Sunday, August 10, 2008

>>>HELP!!! GHOST!!!<<<

"MONSS make up, perfect for all!!!"

OMG, i dun feel like blogging anymore. There are actually a lot to be posted but i dont seem to enjoy it as much as last time. however, for the sake of improving my English(how i wish...) i'll be posting entries though i might take few decades to finish an entry.

Last Friday, my group, MONSS, did a shooting of a short commercial of a beauty product. at first, i doubt that shooting would be easy as i thought there might be miscommunication and such but hey, it turned out to be just great!!! Rifky was mainly in charge for the shooting as we elected him as our cameraman cum director. Despite given full authority, Rifky accepted our ideas and he didn't even question our rights in doing that, thanks Rifky. Basically there weren't any specification tasks or role as we all believe in all and we believed that its god to have everyone contributing ideas and at the same time, being controlled by one leader. Here are some pictures of the shooting..

***do pray for my victory in the FFM (Festival Filem Malaysia) if not Oscar***

***sorry if these pictures make ur nights sleepless***


H said...

kenak mesti ngkah gambar antu ya oo.. ngegeh na sapri..terkejut kmk...

Nana said...

e eh....bukan kitak ka yg kerja rh villa puaka ya?? nak berekot ya eh... hahahaha